United States women’s hockey star Hilary Knight visited with Dan Patrick on NBCSN during intermission of today’s USA-Slovakia game in Sochi. Patrick asked her about her team’s loss to Team Canada on Wednesday and whether or not the two sides share a hatred for each other. (I wonder where he got that idea…)

Knight confirmed that there is indeed a hatred shared between the two sides, which is a good thing – at least for entertainment factor – considering they’re likely to meet again in the gold medal game later this month.

DP: “We normally don’t see women’s sports where the world ‘hatred’ is involved. Is hatred a fair word to use between the United States and Canada? Or you got a better word?”

HK: “No, hatred’s pretty good… when we get between the glass and it’s U.S. versus Canada, it’s everything on the line, it’s a great game to be a part of.”

The 24-year old New Hampshire native has previously stated that she wants to be known as the best female hockey play in the world, and on Thursday she said that she plans to play men’s hockey in Sweden.

She wouldn’t be the first female to share a sheet of ice with men, as goaltender Manon Rhéaume played with males at several levels, including a 1992 NHL exhibition game as a member of the Tampa Bay Lightning. Still, it would be awesome to see Knight meet the challenge of playing with men.