There has been plenty of outrage by lazy parents who are terrified of Michael Sam’s gayness and the possibility that it could infiltrate their households and cause their children to catch the gay. Instead of simply talking to their children about homosexuality, they want homosexuals to be banned and censored.

Many people were outraged that ESPN broadcast Sam celebrating his crowning achievement of being drafted into the NFL and kissing his boyfriend. These are the same people who watch NFL games that have beer and boner pill commercials playing ad nauseam. These are the same people that will watch an opposing player get paralyzed on the field and cheer. These are the same people that watch former criminals, rapists and all-around despicable individuals that are no role models play in the NFL.

This video brilliantly exploits how there are difficult questions that parents will have to answer when they have a curious child. It’s called parenting. You accepted that job.
