The Atlanta Hawks are one of the hottest teams in the NBA (and on social media).

So, it is fitting that the Minnesota Timberwolves felt the need to step up their social game as well, seeing as the two teams are set to face off on Monday night. Hence, the creation of this 19 song playlist which the Timberwolves have so generously dedicated to their colleagues in Atlanta.

Sure, the various genres being explored in the above playlist don’t make much sense as a whole but when one strings the titles together, the Timberwolves’ message becomes crystal clear:

Oh Atlanta,

Everybody wants to rule the world but, honestly you will see we are born to run. No matter what happens, we love you and always will. Regardless, we got to get four on the floor. Our time is coming. We are hungry and the Wolves won’t back down.


The Wolfpack
