Good morning, campers!  It’s a brisk 40 degrees here in sunny southern California, which is good considering Big Skeezy’s new regime of trying to keep cold in order to boost his metabolism.  Following orders from the resident CS medical staff, The Doctor, Big Skeezy started in on The Four Hour Body a few weeks ago.  This started well but then the dreaded Thanksgiving week hit and he put two pounds back on.  His new goal of 125 lost by New year’s seems like a longshot but he had this week to get back on track.  How did he do?  Let’s break it down, shall we?

I couldn’t have been happier that Thanksgiving was over.  That weekend took a lot out of me and it felt good to get back in the saddle, so to speak.  Unfortunately, that’s when I started fighting a pretty good cold.  It was never disabling but it came with a pretty good cough and a rainbow of crud coming out of my nose.  You’d think I’d snorted an eight ball’s worth of Skittles.

Still, I pressed on and had a pretty solid week.  The only downturn was that due to the cold it was a bit lazier than most.  I only hit the gym a couple of times but continued to ride my bike to and from work.  Looking back, that might not have been terribly smart since it really has been cold here lately.  Well, cold for Los Angeles, anyway.  The cold showers probably didn’t help, either, but I figure the stronger I make my body the more prepared it is to fight off illness.

Friday night (yup, here we go) was the monster birthday celebration for my friend “Joey”.  The whole gang came out to play and it was a fantastic evening.  I had a few beers and also enjoyed some bites of the many platters of nachos that were sitting around.  Once we were asked to leave the bar (it seems that every time we go to this particular establishment we’re asked to leave the bar) we made our way to a great little dive bar where we continued until closing time.  Fortunately, there was a differing of opinions as to where the after party would be so I was soon home.

Home is where I stayed for the weekend, really, but that’s when things got a bit strange.  I was watching TV on Saturday night and fell asleep while doing so, around 8:30 PM.  I awoke sometime around midnight and then couldn’t get back to sleep until about 6AM.  I slept for a couple more hours and then it was up for football.  Sunday night I went to bed around nine and, again, I woke up at midnight and couldn’t get back to sleep at all.  I was awake from midnight until 5AM, at which point I went to work and had myself a pretty typical Monday.  I was worried that the insomnia would be the start of something awful but, thankfully, I slept like a baby last night.

I awoke this morning and did my usual Tuesday dance.  It turns out I lost a single pound, taking me down to 268 and 102 lost on the year.   That gives me three weeks to lose 23 pounds.  That’s going to be tough but maybe – just maybe – I can do it.  I just need to channel the energy of a particular young NFL quarterback: