I can’t decide the most hillarious part of this story.
TV anchor/reporter Shomari Stone drew saved an admitted white supremacist and/or neo-Nazi from certain doom at the hands a big, black man and possibly ruined black history month for a little while.
You see, Mr. Stone is not only a popular TV personality on Seattle TV station KOMO 4. He’s also a big, black dude. He was filing a live report on God knows what when a fight broke out between what appears to be a group of hobos.
One man attacks the other and is quickly put in his place, catching no less than ten or eleven blows to the face and head until, Stone tackles him and breaks up the fight. He then diffused the situation with a rousing show of consciousness that hasn’t been seen since Rodney King asked if we could all “just get along?” back in ’92.
The incident was caught on tape, and features such hillarious highlights as…
- Stone telling his camerman to “get the video (fool!).”
- Stone doing best Brandon Merriweather impression, form tackling the fight’s victor even though the loser obviously started it.
- The winner getting robbed of his keys and/or drugs in the scuffle.
- Stone’s look of…. let’s call it “satisfaction”… upon hearing that the man he saved is a white supremacist.
- His parting words to the neo-nazi.
Mr. Stone, as my dude Bradford says:

(hat-tip to Shomar Stone for the good deed. We’ll talk about you next Black History Month)
(hat tip to Deadspin for the find)