Joe Biden Syndication: Journal Sentinel

NBA legend Charles Barkley may have voted for Democrats his entire life up to this point, but he is clearly not happy with the way the Democratic Party and President Joe Biden have treated Black people.

During an episode of his King Charles show on CNN last week, Charles Barkley called out Joe Biden and Democrats for failing to follow through on campaign promises, saying that the party only cares about Black people “every four years.”

“The reason I think the Democratic party and President Biden is losing Black votes is they only care about Black people every four years,” Barkley said on the show.

Barkley blasted Biden and Democrats for making big promises to Black people and then not following through.

“They come into our neighborhoods and say, ‘We’re going to make stuff better. We’re going to do this, do this, do this,’” Barkley said. “And then finally us Black people are like, ‘Yo man, other than our ability to dunk a basketball, all my neighborhoods are still the same, our schools are still the same.’ And that’s why I think Black people are leaving, disappointed in the Democratic Party.”

Those are some pretty bold words, and they led to a lot of conversation on social media.

It’s clear that Barkley is not happy with the way that Democrats have treated Black people in recent years.

[Awful Announcing]