Joe Biden Arizona Republic

Charles Barkley said that he has voted Democrat throughout his entire life, but he’s recently lost faith in the party because he feels it has not lived up to promises to help Black people.

During the latest edition of his King Charles show on CNN Wednesday night, Charles Barkley called out Joe Biden and Democrats for only caring about Black people every four years during election cycles.

“The reason I think the Democratic party and President Biden is losing Black votes is they only care about Black people every four years,” Barkley said on the show.

Barkley suggested that Democratic politicians have big promises for everything they’re going to do for the Black community, but never actually follow through on those promises.

“They come into our neighborhoods and say, ‘We’re going to make stuff better. We’re going to do this, do this, do this,’” Barkley said. “And then finally us Black people are like, ‘Yo man, other than our ability to dunk a basketball, all my neighborhoods are still the same, our schools are still the same.’ And that’s why I think Black people are leaving, disappointed in the Democratic Party.”

Barkley went on to say that he has voted Democrat his entire life because he thought they wanted to help Black people and poor people, but he now doesn’t have that same belief in the Democratic Party.

[Awful Announcing]