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UFC star Colby Covington is not happy about a decision from USA Boxing to allow transgender women to compete against other women.

During an appearance on OutKick’s “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” podcast last week, Colby Covington expressed his absolute outrage at USA Boxing for this decision.

“My first reaction is that I think it’s a PR stunt. I think they’re just doing this because no one cares about USA Boxing anymore,” Covington said according to Fox News. “Nobody’s talking about USA Boxing, so they have to do something to get some publicity because anybody in the right mind thinking that this is a ‘good idea’ needs to seek help immediately. This is disgusting.”

Covington called for this decision to be reversed, suggesting that it could lead to serious injuries or even death.

“Biological men should have no place in women’s sports,” Covington said. “I mean, I can’t imagine being a woman my whole life and having a fair playing field, competing against other women, and then, all of a sudden, they just say, ‘Hey, we’re gonna let biological men come compete in our sports.’ It’s unethical, it’s dangerous and I don’t want to see anybody get killed.

“We need to reverse this, and we need to hold the line and not let this happen.”

We’ll have to see if USA Boxing responds to these harsh words from the UFC star.

[Fox News]