LeBron James shares a laugh with his former coach Dru Joyce II after the dedication ceremony to name the court Coach Dru Joyce Court at LeBron James Arena at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School, Sunday, July 24, 2022. LeBron James shares a laugh with his former coach Dru Joyce II after the dedication ceremony to name the court Coach Dru Joyce Court at LeBron James Arena at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School, Sunday, July 24, 2022.

The head of LeBron James’ “I Promise” school in Akron blasted the local school board for criticism her school faced about mathematic achievement.

Michele Campbell took issue with criticism leveled against the school, revealing that not a single 8th-grade student had proficiency in math in all three years the school existed.

According to Breitbart, Campbell slammed the board for “breaking trust” with the foundation and unfairly accused the school of failing students.

She said Akron Board of Education President Derrick Hall refused to answer an email she sent him.

“My email received no response. We all know what happened next,” Campbell said, according to Breitbart.

“At a very painful time, trust was broken. As I watched, countless others speak freely at board meetings without a shot clock closing in on them. Our supporters signed up to speak but were not granted the opportunity to do so … our parents, supporters, and team members were cut off and not allowed to have their full voices heard,” she said accusingly.

“We would love nothing more to work hand-in-hand,” Campbell said. “With the new board in this effort, it is bigger than any one of us alone, and all we ask is that we’re given the same respect that so many others are given.

Campbell went on to blame COVID for the school’s poor performance.
