Curt Schilling RHP Curt Schilling (1988-2007) Xxx World Series Game 2 1078 Jpg S Bbo Ma

Former Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling is not happy with some things happening in the United States right now, and he’s even less happy that many Republicans aren’t doing anything about it.

During an appearance on Fox News this week, Curt Schilling slammed prominent Republicans like Dan Crenshaw and Jim Jordan for just “talking” about issues the country is facing and not actually doing anything about it.

Schilling then called for someone to “pull the trigger,” alluding to the events of the American Revolution and the battles at Lexington and Concord that began the war.

“You look at the guys, the young men that signed the Constitution and all the things that they sacrificed, everything to come out from under a tyrannical government, and then eventually at some point, there was a man at Concord who decided he was going to pull the trigger,” Schilling said. “And I feel like we’re getting back to a point where somebody is going to have to pull a trigger because everything we hold dear, everything this country was founded on is being just dragged through the mud and mocked and made fun of. This country was founded on Godly principles. No matter how offensive that is to the left, it’s true.”

Schilling was then asked to clarify that he meant “pull the trigger” metaphorically. He made it clear that he didn’t intend to incite a riot or a revolution but believed Democrats would take it that way regardless of what he said.

“Absolutely,” Schilling said. “Well, no. I mean, it doesn’t matter if I say metaphorically because they’re going to run with that quote no matter how I put it. I could have phrased it in any possible way saying, ‘Stand up and fight and blah blah blah’ and I would be inciting a riot while Maxine Waters says, ‘Get in their face and beat the hell out of them’ publicly.”

[Media Matters]