The hype is strong with this one.

It’s been quite a year for Comic Book movies, for better or worse. Batman beat up Superman; Captain America fought Iron Man; Deadpool murder people with puns and was just, pretty much, the best. There’s been a lot going on.

One of the biggest, most hyped comic book films of the year, however, has to be Suicide Squad. Coming late summer, it’s a pretty different take on the idea of what a “hero” really is. Plus, Margot Robbie! She’s pretty fun.

While people wait and speculate on how good or bad a movie with man whose weapon is a boomerang will actually be, the hype train keeps rolling, as Entertainment Weekly released head shots of some of the main characters from the film. They go into some great detail about each character without giving too much away, but you can check the deck below to see the awesome pics they’ve collected. If nothing else, this collection has also given reddit and Imgur folks some things to talk about, such as who’s missing and who’s not.


[Entertainment Weekly, Imgur, Reddit]