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The much derided fanny pack may have gotten a needed defense on Sunday at Fenway Park, where Matthew McConaughey was seen rocking one during a Red Sox-Astros game.

Of course, McConaughey is the King of Chill, so him wearing a fanny pack to the side for all the extra-convenience of storing stuff you don’t want in your pockets is pretty much “in character” for the actor, as he explained to CSN Houston‘s Julia Morales.

“You’ve got to kind of put it on the side to make it look a little not as nerdy, but still, practicality wins out. I’ve got so much gear in here that I don’t want in my pockets.

“How many times are you around somebody and they’re like, ‘I forgot my so and so, I got to go back to the car?’ And you’re like, ‘I got mine right here.’”

So, if (and only if) you have the looks, money and casual swagger of Matthew McConaughey, the fanny pack is A-OK (if you don’t, just wear a backpack like all the cool kids do these days).

[Deadspin][For the Win]