Sneaker website NiceKicks posted earlier this week about an invitation they received from Nike (Cosby Sweaters’s invite was apparently ‘lost’ in the mail). The invite for an event this evening suggests that Nike may FINALLY be realeasing the long rumored “Marty McFly’s” influenced by the classic film Back to the Future.   According to Nike CEO Mark Parker, 1500 pairs will be auctioned off on ebay, all proceeds going to the Michael J Fox foundation.  These could possibly be the most valuable pair of shoes Nike has ever created.  Prices on ebay will be insane for these, especially given the cause.  From the guys at NiceKicks:

When Nike gives you a call at midnight, you know it’s something good. With just a few hours notice Nike flew me out to LA for “a big announcement.” When they won’t tell you what it is until you get there, you know it’s something bigger than a new colorway of Dunks.

Upon arriving in the room, I found a box waiting for me with an iPod Shuffle with a personal message from Dr. Emmett Brown:

“Welcome to Los Angeles. If my calculations are correct, over the next 24 hours you are about to see some SERIOUS SH*T!”

Inside the box was an invite from to “IT’S ABOUT TIME…an unveiling that could change the course of time” as well as metal shield glasses.

The table of goodies that included mid 80′s candy, Throwback Pepsi (forumla from 1985), and a copy ofBack To The Future all but confirmed the suspicions.

Another video surfaced that looks like it could be a closet full of McFly’s:

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″][/youtube]

For more pics of the Nike invitation go to NiceKicks.