At 42 years young, Laura Vikmanis is the oldest cheerleader in the NFL. She “cheers” for the Cincinnati Bengals even though T.O. and Ocho didn’t give her much to cheer about last year. Vikmanis is a mother of teen-aged kids, a registered dietician and trainer. She’s also kind of the matriarch of the cheer leading crew….and now she’s about to get her Erin Brockovich on with a major motion picture deal about her life through New Line Cinema. The screenplay will be written by Emily Cook and Kathy Greenberg, who brought us Gnomeo & Juliet and Ratatouille. Here’s what Cook and Greenberg had to say about their new project:

“In her real life, it was easy to find a way into the story,” Cook said. “She is a 42-year-old in a sea of 20-year-olds; she’s definitely a fish in out of water. It’s a great contrast. And she proved you can reinvent yourself at any age.”

“It’s really a feel good populist story in the vein of Blind Side. It’s got more comedy to be sure, but it’s an earnest story,” Greenberg added.

More on the story at The Hollywood Reporter.