ESPN Andrew Weber-USA TODAY Sports

Earlier this week, ESPN announced that Prince Harry Pat was this year’s winner of the Pat Tillman Award for Service. And not everyone was happy about it.

The Pat Tillman Award for Service is named after former Arizona Cardinals player Pat Tillman who was killed in combat after he left the NFL to enlist in the military. The Award, named in his honor, is typically designated to unsung heroes. So when Prince Harry was given the award, Tillman’s mother, Mary, was not happy.

“I am shocked as to why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the award,” she said this week. “There are recipients that are far more fitting. There are individuals working in the veteran community that are doing tremendous things to assist veterans.”

Turns out, Mary Tillman was not the only person who felt this way as former sideline reporter Michelle Tafoya expressed her own “disgust” at the situation.

“I thought I was alone in my disgust for this decision. But Pat Tillman‘s own mom felt the same,” Tafoya said in a post on X, the social media website that was formerly known as Twitter.

Clearly, this was a controversial decision from ESPN.

[Michelle Tafoya]