While the Super Bowl is the biggest game in the NFL, it is much more than just a game. There is a LOT of money that goes in to and comes from the biggest game of the year. These two infographics break down the Super Bowl by the numbers that aren’t on the scoreboard.

Some fun facts pulled from the infrographics (below):

  • Second highest food consumption day in America
  • Anheuser Busch has paid almost $240 million on Super Bowl advertisements over the past ten years
  • The host city will make an estimated $26,555,515 in revenue from the event
  • In 1967 (the year of the first Super Bowl) a single ticket cost $12
  • The San Francisco 49ers have been to the Super Bowl five times. They won all five of those times.
  • It sucks to be a fan from Cleveland 

Here are two infographics that break down the Super Bowl in ways you may not think about it.


[InfographicsArchive, Visual-ly]