Every ballpark from the majors to the lowest of minors has giveaway nights.  Hats, blankets, cups, bobbleheads, helmets, autographs – the list is extensive but always the same.

This season, the Seattle Mariners have decided to up the ante.  They are sponsoring a Free Compost Night, at which the paying fans will each receive a bag of compost made from garbage collected at previous games.  So, yes, see the Mariners and get a bag of crap.

For those of you who don’t know what compost is, it’s basically garbage that has decomposed to the point that it can be used as fertilizer.  Any of you who live near grass knows what fertilizer smells like.  Imagine 50,000 small bags of that in a stadium while you’re trying to enjoy a hot dog, beer and the game.  I appreciate the green movement, but am doubtful about the air quality during those games.