Curt from Brendan Hearne on Vimeo.

I like to consider myself an avid surfer who loves the sport but still isn’t any good. One of the main aspects of surfing which keeps me coming back day after day is the positive impact a short surf session can have on myself, and just my attitude for that day. Well, this documentary takes that small sentiment and really digs into how the sport has allowed one very important member of the Southern California surf community to provide value to so many, in a much more impactful way. Brendan Hearne who directed the documentary provided a description of the must watch movie.

CURT is a short documentary about 50-year-old competitive surfer, Curt Harper. Diagnosed with autism as a child, Curt faced many challenges growing up, but one thing that came easy was his love for surfing. Over the past 21 years, Curt has become a beloved fixture in the Southern California surf scene, having played an unlikely, yet vital role in the growth and development of multiple generations of groms.