NFL: Cincinnati Bengals at New England Patriots

Tom Brady brings his fiery competitive spirit everywhere. That even includes beer chugging contests with the Patriots offensive linemen.

Retired NFL lineman Ross Tucker was on the New England Patriots for a brief time (2005-06) and he had this story to relay about his drinking experience with Tom Brady for an article that Tucker wrote for Sports on Earth.

We went to a local barbecue place near the stadium in Foxboro after practice one time, and there were two different occasions where Brady’s eyes displayed his trademark fire.

The first was when some of the veteran offensive linemen started talking to the rookies about a chugging contest. No big deal for these guys and given that they were fresh out of college, you would think they’d be at the top of their game. I was surprised to see Brady take part. The rookies looked at the seemingly pretty boy quarterback and laughed. I think I snickered myself.

We all should’ve known better.

I still have never seen anybody chug a beer faster than Tom Brady. You should’ve seen the way he slammed down his cup — it was like he was spiking the ball after a TD. It was hilarious. It was awesome. It was textbook Brady.

You mean that Tom Brady will make anything into a competition which he then must pathologically destroy with the fury of a thousand suns? I am shocked.

Admit it, the idea of Tom Brady slamming a beer with all the fervor with which he spikes touchdowns makes all the sense in the world.

[Sports on Earth]