Musx is the coolest/easiest/best way to share music with friends. So its rad.

The newly released app does what other social music apps failed to do, connect your Twitter or Facebook allowing you to easily share what songs you’re listening to with friends.  Musx uses YouTube to find songs, so basically every song ever is available for you to share.  I prefer this app over the YouTube app because, before Musx, I used YouTube mostly to search for music; why not use a music based app that allows me to share with friends too? Just makes sense.  The app’s homepage is reminiscent of Twitter’s timeline, but instead of reading annoying award show Tweets, you get songs your friends are listening to.

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One thing I’m always a little weary about with trying new music apps is how easily navigable it is.  Most of the new music apps I’ve tried end up being deleted within a week.  They’re either too confusing, the UI isn’t as responsive as I’d like, or countless other problems that frustrate me.  I’ve been using Musx for over a week and haven’t run into any of these problems, its one of the easiest apps I’ve EVER used.   At first I was worried about the app pulling songs from YouTube, thinking it would be too slow or they wouldn’t have everything YouTube had (for some reason?), but not once did I run into either of those problems.  Searching for songs is super fast and laid out perfectly within the search results.

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Other cool features that are easy to use (picking up on the theme here?) are playlist and queue.  When you find the song you’ve searched for you’re given the option to add it to a playlist or to your queue to be played later.

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Musx is available in the app store now for free. This is an app you’ll be hearing a lot more about real soon.  Check out their website for more info and updates.