Santa Claus has officially made the naughty list today for insulting a three-year old boy and his mother. The little boy was sporting a Toronto Maple Leafs beanie, which prompted Santa to tell him that he “shouldn’t be wearing that [because] they suck.” I personally don’t see the harm in honesty, but if you know anything about Toronto natives, you know that they will not stand for such a disparaging remark about their precious Maple Leafs.

The outraged mother logged onto Facebook to speak out about this grouchy mall Santa, who also told the young boy that his red plaid jacket made him look like Paul Bunyan. It should come as no surprise that Santa was fired shortly after. The way I see it, Santa was just trying to save the young boy years of heartache and disappointment.  Besides, it’s only a matter of time before he figures it out for himself.

Here’s a photo via the mother’s Facebook:

Ok, seriously? He totally looks like Paul Bunyan.

Via Toronto Sun