I’ve got a hole for you…

Just when you thought you had gotten past the horror show that was the Coors Iced Tea Beer from earlier this Summer, Michelob fires back with a monstrosity of their own.  Michelob Ultra 19th Hole Tea & Lemonade takes two of the world’s best things, beer and an Arnold Palmer (half iced tea/half lemonade), and blends them to make this “beverage.”  I apologize if I sound like a beer snob here but come on people, this is just brutal.

I juxtapose the release of this beer with the 2012 Mid-Year Report coming out of the Brewer’s Association regarding craft beer’s continued growth.  According to the BA’s Mid-Year Report craft beer grew by 14% (dollars) and 12% (by volume).  If this is how the big boys are going to try and steal momentum back from small and independent brewers they’re kidding themselves.  Remember folks, let taste and quality guide your drinking hand, not gimmicks and slick advertising.

Drink Better!



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