Ready to feel old AND unaccomplished?

Without a doubt, Tony Hawk is the face of skateboarding. For the last two decades, the man has been the most public character for the sport, having won an insane amount of awards and producing a series of high-quality video games (well, the first three or four, at least) that took the world by storm. Part of the reason he’s so well-known, however, is because he was the first person to pull off the 900.

For those of you who don’t want to math, that’s essentially 2 1/2 revolutions. The video above captures the iconic moment, which happened 17 years ago. Tony, now 48, looked back on one of the most epic moments of his career and thought, “Meh, why not again?” And he did it. The crazy man did it again.

Tony clearly makes it look too easy, even at almost 50-years-old. Check the deck below to see some of our other favorite moments from the amazing career of Tony Hawk.

