On Monday, former Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Michael Irvin was scheduled to have his annual check up.
And while most people would, AT MOST, post a brief Tweet to let the world know that they were going to have a doctor poke and prod them, Irvin went the extra mile and posted numerous photos of his trip to the exam room.

Ever wanted to know what Michael Irvin’s urine sample looked like? Wonder no more!

Lol indeed! It should be noted that Michael was self-aware enough to know that this isn’t the sort of thing that people necessarily like to see on their timelines (“I hate this. I will bring u along”). Nonetheless, if Michael has to go through it, we will too.

Michael also snapped this selfie in preparation for another, more personal exam.

He managed give shout outs to the Cowboys during an inspection of his heartbeat.

In case it wasn’t clear enough yet, Michael was thorough in reporting from inside his doctor’s office.

Thankfully, it seems that Michael Irvin is pretty damn healthy, even if he’d rather be 220 pounds than his current 230.

The internet is truly a wonderful and magical instrument of our times.

[SB Nation]