
The NFL’s New York office is not as bustling as it usually is as most of the league’s attention and man power is understandably focused on Super Bowl XLIX.

However, the lack of hustle and bustle did give Ad Week an opportunity to tour the League’s office, which was apparently designed using Roger Goodell’s “guiding principles” as its inspiration.

According to Jaime Weston, the NFL’s VP of Marketing, those guiding principles are about innovation.

“There is no one specific important room—the whole office space was designed to have our employees keep the 32 teams, the fans, the game and innovation in mind whenever they were making decisions or plans with the NFL.”

One has to hand it to the NFL, they know how to work in style.

Suitably, every single team is represented equally in the space. A locker room celebrating the history of the NFL includes a locker for every NFL team. All jersey and helmets are displayed in equal fashion. Even a lobby seating area surrounded by pictures of fans makes sure to include a portrait of a fan of every team. It may be the one place on earth where the Dallas Cowboys, the Buffalo Bills and the Arizona Cardinals are equally represented.

Check out some cool photos of the NFL’s New York office below and make sure to go on over to Ad Week for the entire article.

[Ad Week]