If you’ve watched a decent amount of MMA or boxing, you’ve likely noticed that many of the fighters have deformed “cauliflower ears” as a result of taking repeated blows to the head, causing cartilage to die. The ears permanently swell up to the point where they resemble an actual cauliflower more than an ear, which is pretty damn disgusting.

Also gross is the fact that the ear can literally explode if it takes one punch too many, creating a grizzly scene involving lots and lots of blood. We saw it happen to the UFC’s Leslie Smith during a recent event and it looked like her ear was about to completely fall off before the fight was stopped.

But, as you can see in the video above, it also happened in a lower-level MMA bout between two male fighters a few weeks ago, producing a gruesome explosion of blood sent more than a few feet in the air as the crowd gasped in horror.

After seeing stuff like this, it baffles me why the hell anyone would ever want to be an MMA fighter.

