Before we get started here, a little background on the costumed dude in the video: Phoenix Jones is a self-proclaimed “superhero” who used to walk around the streets of Seattle at night with his now-disbanded Rain City Superhero crew looking to fight crime. He’s strictly a solo act now, and if you think he looks ridiculous, you’d be right. Although, don’t say it to his face, because he will kick your ass (fun fact: Washington State has a “Mutual Combat Law” on the books, which allows two agreeing parties the right to fight. It’s not recommended, especially when going up against a cage fighter like Phoenix, but the police won’t intervene).

Anyway, Mr. Jones became roughly the 4 billionth person to accept the Ice Bucket Challenge this week, but he did so in a manner we haven’t seen before (and, frankly, wouldn’t mind seeing more of): after being drenched by his tattooed assistant, Jones then took a taser to the chest, falling backwards into a kiddie pool. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the evolution of the Ice Bucket Challenge.
