The Mass Games kicked off today in North Korea, so for five nights a week from now until September 9th, thousands of North Koreans will gather in Pyongang to celebrate “Victory Day” — better known throughout the world as the anniversary of The Korean War Armistice.

The photos you are about to see are beyond comprehension and if I didn’t know any better I would say they came from outer space. They are just that weird. More, including the photos, from Huffington Post.

North Korea’s mass games have returned, and there is truly nothing like them. For five nights a week from now until September 9, thousands of North Koreans will fill Pyongyang’s May Day stadium to perform songs, choreographed dances, and gymnastics, according to the Associated Press. As photographer Werner Kranwetvogel describes, 20,000 students will form a living backdrop for the proceedings, flashing colored cards in synchronized patterns to create massive images of war and symbols of patriotism.


North Korea Mass Games