President Obama is an avid basketball fan and player, but during the White House’s annual Easter egg roll, Obama’s game was way off. Check out the video of The President shooting hoops with children and some of the Washington Wizards, but only going 0 for 22 on the day. The cold streak is unprecedented and not very Presidential. Before you see the full video you may want to see the absolute low point of the day for the President which involved a badly missed layup.

ABC News has the poor performance breakdown:

After missing three during a general shoot around, Obama lined up with kids at the free throw line. The kids were asked to stand on opposite sides of the president based on whether they thought he would make it. Only one boy went to the “miss” side.

“Oh, man,” the president declared, but the boy stood his ground (and rightly so). Obama took his shot. It hit the rim, circled and dropped outside.

Minutes later, at O for 4 the president, an avid basketball player, declared “I have to hit one shot before I go.”

After six more failed free throws, Obama traded balls. After 10 misses, he moved in closer. After 11, he tried a few layups.

After the president missed 13 shots in a row from various distances, 10-year old Kahron Campbell stepped in to help.

Campbell made the layup on his first try.

Then, finally, on his 18th attempt of the morning, the president made his layup.