The Jacksonville Jaguars unveiled a new team logo today, and we have literally no thoughts on the barely changed image of a jaguar. It kind of looks just like someone took the old logo and said they unveiled a new logo when in fact they didn’t. Good effort, good game.

SB Nation however has a more keen eye than myself:

As mentioned, the new logo looks more realistic with some fur spots and looks more like an actual jaguar head, rather than the sharp lines of the previous logo. The ears are more like actual animal ears rather than just a big clunky triangle that is supposed to be an ear. The jaw is more pronounced and the coloring of the jaguar head is more representative of how a jaguar would be colored with the white around the jaw an nose. It also sports some teal eyes to go with the teal tongue and nose. The teal eyes are also less “dead” than the eyes in the previous logo, so they’re more than just there like the ears. There’s also more actual shading on the golden fur rather than the solid color throughout like the old logo.

Ummmm, OK!




Here is a look at their old logo:


[SB Nation]